Celebrity Look Alikes

What would you do if you spotted a famous person walking down the street, in a restaurant, or shopping in a store?  Better yet, what if you were mistaken for a celebrity? 

We all do it! compare people and ourselves to celebrities.  Who looks like who.  There are TV shows and websites that you can post on and find your look a-likes. 

I have been compared to several celebrities, some of who I just laugh at, and others cringe.  Really, I just want to be me.  But hey if you think I am someone famous and go "gaga crazy" I might get a chuckle.

In fact one time a elderly gentleman in Costco went a little crazy when he saw me...thinking I was Angelina Jolie. 

I laughed and took it all with a grain of salt.  It wasn't something I hadn't heard before, but really not to that degree.  He asked me where Brad was.  I snickered and told him I dumped him.  OOPS sorry Angelina.  :)  It wasn't all a lie!  I was single at the time and had just ended a relationship with a man named Brad...so really I didn't lie. 

In Canada we have a famous home renovation guru named Mike Holmes.  Last summer my husband, Mr. Amazing was at Home Depot in the Tool Rental Department when he heard a voice behind him,
"OMG it is Holmes on Homes, in our Home Depot!" 
Mr. Amazing snickered and took it all in stride.  But you have to admit, it does a body good to have some excitement like that in a day. 

Do you have a mistaken identity story?  Feel free to leave a comment for our readers. 

Here are a few of my apparent look a-likes, who are yours? 
Marie Osmond -
Ann Hathaway,
Elizabeth Hurley,(and my most mentioned)
 Angelina Jolie
