Celebrity Look Alikes

We all do it! compare people and ourselves to celebrities. Who looks like who. There are TV shows and websites that you can post on and find your look a-likes.

In fact one time a elderly gentleman in Costco went a little crazy when he saw me...thinking I was Angelina Jolie.

I laughed and took it all with a grain of salt. It wasn't something I hadn't heard before, but really not to that degree. He asked me where Brad was. I snickered and told him I dumped him. OOPS sorry Angelina. :) It wasn't all a lie! I was single at the time and had just ended a relationship with a man named Brad...so really I didn't lie.
In Canada we have a famous home renovation guru named Mike Holmes. Last summer my husband, Mr. Amazing was at Home Depot in the Tool Rental Department when he heard a voice behind him,
"OMG it is Holmes on Homes, in our Home Depot!"
Mr. Amazing snickered and took it all in stride. But you have to admit, it does a body good to have some excitement like that in a day.
Do you have a mistaken identity story? Feel free to leave a comment for our readers.
Here are a few of my apparent look a-likes, who are yours?
Marie Osmond -
Ann Hathaway,
Elizabeth Hurley,(and my most mentioned)
Angelina Jolie
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