Welcome to "The Blender", it's where most of us live.

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a blender and someone else is pushing the buttons?  Trying to see straight while the world is whizzing by in a blur is just not fun. 

Being a woman, wife, mother, career woman, grandmother, and who knows what else can often feel like you are being blended up into some unknown concoction.  You just pray it doesn't result in some ugly green sludge that everyone avoids like Buckley's Cough Syrup. 

Tales From The Blender is my view on the world as a woman in her mid-forties, striving to make sense of all the changes life has to offer. 

Humor, tears, anger, frustration will all be felt here.  I hope that as I take this journey you will ride with me and find a little bit of reprieve in knowing we all are "Normal".

Stay tuned for short stories and blog posts everyone can relate to. 


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