Waiting for Karma to Strike...Or Am I Just Bitter?
In the past twenty years or so, Karma has become a "go to word" and philosophy for many people in our society. Karma is based from Eastern Religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Sikh Religions. The belief of Karma is the cause and effect of our actions. In short, whatever we do will come back to us in the same form.
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What Goes Around...Comes Around |
With the age of enlightenment and the Western Society
embracing these religions into our culture, we hear more people putting faith
in Karma to get even with others. Growing
up in a Christian home, I was raised to believe that "we reap what we
sow" and "do unto others as you would want done to you". The Golden Rule is something we teach our
children as a social skill.
The truth is, we all experience injustice and wrong doings
in our life. We all make wrong choices
in how we treat others. Reality bites,
and there is nothing we can do about the actions of another person, however; we
do have the full ability to respond and react in a proper manner to what is
done to us. In my circle of friends and
society, it is not uncommon to hear or say, "Karma will get them; I
believe in Karma; they will get their own". In fact, in the past four years, I have focused
more on this concept for others than for myself.
When another person inflicts pain on us it is in our nature
to lash out and get even. I have often
joked while paraphrasing the scripture from Romans
12:19 and say,
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, AND I AM HIS LITTLE
In my own personal life I have lived under some very grave
and unjust circumstances that I had no control over. Having zero control over a situation is sometimes
unbearable. Being a woman makes it that
much harder. We want to fix everything
and make sure everyone is towing the line.
Life doesn't work that way, and sometimes there is nothing we can do
about it. The quick fix answer and focus
was to say, "Karma is coming. Just
wait, they are going to experience some huge heartache and I will be happy when
they do!"
I have been "waiting" for the mother
load to fall and Karma to splat down on people who hurt me, and had no regard for my feelings. As unfortunate as the pain and anguish has
been, I have survived; I have gone on and become stronger than before. Many good things have
been given to me and I have an incredibly happy and loving family. The sad thing about the past few years, is
that I have spent more of it focusing on the pain that was placed on my
shoulders instead of counting the blessings in my life.
Here is the deal, I will probably never see the
"Karma" people experience, and they will probably never share
their pain, heartache and or misfortunes with me (which is just fine). Unless tragic circumstances make life
altering changes in their lives, the chances of me knowing they have reaped
what they sowed will be slim to none. If I sit here waiting for them to reap what they sowed I miss out on the amazing things that are happening in my life. I only cause more suffering for myself and it brings me no satisfaction whatsoever.
This past summer, my family and I relocated to a new home, the change brought a fresh new perspective in life. That in turn allowed me to think
positive. I began to see that my focus
was on what others should be getting instead of enjoying all the blessings I
have had all along. I recognize that
although I wanted to forgive, wanted to move forward, I was hung up on watching
for pain to hit like a scud missile and destroy those who caused my world to
change. In a sense, I harboured
bitterness, I didn't need. I was missing out on many wonderful moments waiting for Karma to enter the picture.
I have purposed to change my thinking, stop trying to "help" God and get even. I will let God carry out his plan for me. I will continue doing unto others just as I would want done to me; and to stop watching for the Karma Ship to land.
I love the freedom my heart now feels. How each morning is a new day with new possibilities. Each day brings more blessings and amazing opportunities. So do you still want to sit around and wait for the "ship" to land or do you want to live your life and enjoy all that you have?
Till next time,
Blender Woman
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