
On the eve of 2013 and dawning of 2014, many of us find ourselves participating in the yearly ritual of reflection.  What were the events that shaped our lives, what would I change, where would I like to see myself in one year from now...

For me, this past year brought many changes to my life and to my family's life.  As an individual who is consistently reflecting and assessing my actions, my attitudes, as well as my focus in life, I found this past twelve months a bumpy but rewarding road.  My life that has become so full of all the things I have desired for many years. 
I know that we are all a product of our past and how we respond to those circumstances.  We either grow from our experiences or we stagnate ourselves from growing beyond boundaries that hinder. 
My family and I have spent the past 5 1/2 years blending a family of half grown children.  Anyone who has attempted this knows the odds are very steep for success and the stress is just as intense.  This year we became content with the status of our family, stopped trying to make it anything but what it is, and set about loving our ever growing clan.  I personally let go of some dreams and hopes that hindered me from moving past emotional turmoil, I threw the toxic ideals that were damaging my soul into the trash.  The result?  Peace came into my life and once again I smile from the inside out. 
As a family we also experienced a change in homes.  Uprooting a life we had begun in one location, and improved it in another.  Sometimes change is required for people to grow, this definitely was the case for us.  Mr. Amazing and I have loved every moment of our crazy move and settling into our new nest.  Landscaping, painting, and remodeling have left no time very little in our lives.  We are blessed to have such a beautiful home full of love and acceptance.  Our new neighbourhood is an envy for most in today's world.  In today's society very few of us ever see our neighbors, so we count ourselves most fortunate to not only see those who share our little subdivision, but to have become friends that will last a lifetime.
Of course I have goals and ambitions for myself in 2014, but I love who I have become and know that tomorrow and the day after, I will be an even better person than I am today.  This year I strive to focus more on being a caretaker to myself in balance with family.  I aim to be humbly confident in who I am and my achievements in life. 
As you reflect at the close of this year and look towards the next, remember the good things, set your mind on better things, and smile that today you are who you are and tomorrow you will be even better. 
So from our family to yours, have a blessed New Year and may the Grace of God shine on you each and every day. 
